Strengthening People’s Engagement and Advocacy in Kenya (SPEAK) is a Nonprofit, Public Benefit organization dedicated to advocacy and development initiatives. Founded in 2008, SPEAK aims to empower vulnerable, marginalized, and disadvantaged populations. The organization is committed to enhancing public participation in democratic governance, advocating for health improvements, ensuring access to justice and human rights, promoting environmental sustainability and climate justice, as well as facilitating conflict transformation and peacebuilding efforts.
SPEAK’s initiatives are rooted in the power of grassroots citizen mobilization, awareness creation, and Community sensitization, utilizing the Theatre of the Oppressed as a primary tool. Our focus encompasses building local capacities, networking, and evidence-based advocacy at both social and policy levels to break the cycle of poverty, eradicate inequalities, and combat all forms of injustice. Our ultimate aim is to improve the lives, livelihoods, and dignity of the most disadvantaged populations, thus fostering lasting social transformation and sustainable development.
We adhere to ethical principles and codes of conduct, including respecting human rights, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding the highest standards of integrity.
We are constantly engaging the communities that we serve and involving beneficiaries in the design and implementation of programs thus leading to more effective and sustainable solutions.
We have well-functioning board of directors or governing body that provides oversight, guidance, and ensures our organization operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.